Local Reach LLC has figured out how to give free web publicity to the world. Small businesses (3-25 employees) struggle with two things, people and publicity. Local Reach LLC solves both challenges. Simply outsourcing employee's payroll to LR, employees of smaller companies have access to benefits and insurance and companies no longer need to worry about payroll taxes, workers comp or fronting payroll every two weeks. Instead of silly fees and mark-ups for finding people, like recruiting firms, Local Reach promotes current and new employees of clients. Employees of small businesses share their experiences with employers with Local Reach's publicity machine, resulting in boosting employee morale, branding and retention of the most valuable company asset.....its people. Service is perfect for non-profits, start-ups, churches and other smaller retail & ministry operations.
Good Businesses Take Care of their People.
A few tweaks to Local Reach LLC have taken place and we want to tell you about them. We help businesses be Good Businesses through their employees. This service is perfect from most small businesses from 3-25 employees on the payroll. In comparison to recruiting firms, we won’t find your people for you. We will make recommendations to you and advise you on the interview & negotiation process. Our expertise is in web publicity via video interviewing. The core service of Local Reach LLC is People Promotions. As clients, employers are blogged about, talked with and promoted because of their people on our payroll.
Good to Employees, smaller businesses rely on our HR outsourcing, staffing & recruiting services. **Covering the burden of workers comp, taxes, timesheets, year-end taxes & offer benefits/insurance to any type of employee, nationwide. **Businesses receive one invoice 2x per month for all employees. Easy as pie.
Good Businesses